Keeping your Vibration High
This video, I share ways for strengthening your energy. It is very useful when you are feeling sluggish, tired or flat. It shows you ways that you can pick your energy up when you feel depleted to give yourself a lift and tap into that feeling of aliveness. Being in your ‘energy groove’ as you go through your day is important for your wellbeing, vibrancy and physical health. This video shows you how to know what it is and how to get back to it when you are out of sync with yourself.
Buffering Your Emotional Energy
In this video I share two simple practices that build on positive emotions to strengthen your resilience and help you to cope with adversity. Positive emotions create a buffer so you can recover more quickly from difficulty and hardship. When you are buffering you will find yourself dealing with stressful situations from a more secure sense of self – this is very good for keeping holding your centre when life around you is uncertain and a bit crazy.
Sleeping softly for realigning
your body’s rhythm
How is your sleep going? Have your sleep patterns changed and you’re feeling out of sorts? Are you wanting to sleep better and have more energy?
In this video we will explore why sleep matters so much.
I’ll give you suggestions for how to improve your sleep quality to help you get into your natural rhythm and groove.
Shifting your mental state
by using your body posture
Did you know that how you be in your body… how you sit, stand and walk… can impact your mindset?
In this video I will show you how to use your body posture to change your mind to be more empowered and positive. We will explore ways to create a state of calm, confidence and presence by simply tweaking your body language and mindset.
Relieve and restore
your mental energy
Do you struggle with being distracted and having a busy mind? Have you tried meditation before and found it wasn’t your thing?
This video is designed to help you be fully present in the moment. We will explore how you can find a meditation practice that really works for you. I share simple practices that are useful for easing your mental tension and creating more relaxation and rejuvenation.
Soothing yourself to create
greater calm and balance
Did you know your heart has its own nervous system that governs emotions and intuition? Would you like to have more access to your heart and its intelligence?
This video shares how to use the techniques of ‘soothing’ to alleviating emotional tension and create a state of balance in your body and mind. It explores the powerful role your heart can play in reducing stress and creating inner calm and peace.
Getting more spacious
clarity in your day
Do you find it hard to let go of your mental chatter?
Does it get really noisy inside your head at times with doubts and worries?
This video explains how to diffuse from uncomfortable thoughts and worries to create more space, clarity and perspective. It’s a great technique for reducing mental fatigue and giving your mental energy a boost.
Taking a fragrant pause
to renew and reset your energy
Did you know that NASA pilots take a nap early afternoon to reset their energy? When was the last time you took a pause through your day and not feel guilty?
In this video we look at how to use pause, rest and breaks through your day to take care of your physical and cognitive energy. These practices will help you to stay alert during the day, and have some in reserve in the evening.
What size is your energy tank?
Did you know you have a natural energy rhythm What size is your ‘energy tank’?
In this video you will learn how to spot the size of your energy tank and how to take care of it.
Some of us have big energy tanks, and others have small tanks. What matters is taking care of our energy so we can be in our groove.
Connecting to your intuitive guidance
Do you trust your gut feeling? Or that flash of insight or ah hah that gives you a picture of what is coming? Can you walk into a room or a shopping mall and feel the vibe?
Connecting with your intuitive intelligence is one of your superpowers in times of change and uncertainty! In this video we’ll explore how to pay attention to your inner guidance, recognise how your intuition works for you, and trust it to guide and protect you.
Refreshing your space for more ease and flow
Did you know that the rooms and spaces we live and work in can collect energy? When was the last time you gave your space a ‘boosh’ to lift the vibe?
This video offers ways you can incorporate freshness into your work and living spaces to create more harmony, balance and lightness. It is very useful for clearing and refreshing your space and reducing mustiness and clutter of lingering moods and energy. We will explore simple actions you can take for creating a more peaceful environment in a subtle energetic way.
Creating lightness and positive vibes
Would you like to feel lighter and more in the flow?
In this video I share ways to lift your energy and build your feeling of positivity.
We’ll explore the importance of creating “joy bubbles” with others and why this can make a positive difference to your energy (and everyone else around you!)
Using Your Inner Council to Find the Best Possible Response
Inside our heads can get busy and noisy. Have you ever noticed that the same voices turn up and start directing you, and this makes you feel inadequate and judged? In this video you will be introduced to ways that you can lessen the grip from inner parts of yourself that give you a hard time, and make you feel not good enough. You’ll be introduced the wise and intuitive aspects of yourself, who always have your best interests at heart.
Taking Care of Your Emotional Energy in Times of Stress and Uncertainty
Finding ways to quickly centre and stabilise our energy is vital for our emotional health. In times of uncertainty our brains will trigger the stress response and a cocktail of stress hormones will flood our system together with the emotions of stress.
In this video you will have access to two simple strategies that will help sooth and calm your nervous system and bring your back to yourself.
Being Your Best Friend
Do you tend to self-critical and tough on yourself? What if you could think about yourself in the same way you think about your best friend? In this video you will learn ways to be on good terms with yourself – caring, kind and encouraging – just like you would be towards one of your cherished relationships. It will show you have to have self-kindness and give yourself a break – doesn’t that sound wonderful?!